Growing together, giving back


People are the heartbeat of every neighbourhood—and when we bring people together, great ideas flourish. The Squamish Community Foundation (SCF) contributes to the betterment of our community by providing funding to local organizations and individuals that are creating positive change. We manage donor funds, which are reinvested into the community in areas like culture, health and the environment.

How it Works

The SCF manages endowment funds, which are a pool of donations from corporate and individual contributors that earns income each year and creates a permanent source of funding. The capital of these funds—over one million in assets—is managed and monitored by the Squamish Community Foundation Board of Directors. From the income earned on the endowment funds, we distribute grants to registered charities and other eligible recipients in our community via an annual application process.

For more information about the Squamish Community Foundation: click here.


When we give together, we have a greater impact. Our funds support causes that enrich the lives of fellow community members; creating a healthy and vibrant place to live.

There are plenty of ways to give back. Contribute a one-time donation, or set up an ongoing contribution. Honour a loved one, or support an initiative you care about. We offer funding options for individuals, non-profits, businesses, and professionals.

To learn more about ways to give back to the Squamish community, visit our donation page.

*NEW* Donate A Car Program. Learn More.


Do you have an idea for creating a lasting impact in our community? The Squamish Community Foundation distributes annual grants to registered charities for community projects. We also award Neighbourhood Small Grants to smaller-scale events and initiatives focused on community-building.

For more information on the types of grants, applications, and deadlines, visit our Grants page.

What’s New

SCF’s 2024 Annual Impact Report

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The Squamish Community Foundation (SCF) is pleased to present the 2024 Annual Impact Report. This is the third annual report designed to highlight the impact on the community from our donor funds, community partnerships, granting and other programs. Highlights from the report: The SCF unveiled our new 2024-2029 Strategic Plan…

Squamish Gives 5% 2024 Participants!

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The Squamish Community Foundation (SCF) is thrilled to announce our line up of incredible participants in our first Squamish Gives 5% Holiday Giving Campaign on Saturday December 7th. This collaborative campaign will raise funds through a shop local, give local event. On Saturday Dec 7th locals and visitors are encouraged…

Squamish Gives 5% Holiday Giving Campaign

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The Squamish Community Foundation invites local businesses to participate in our first 'Squamish Gives 5%' Holiday Giving Campaign on Saturday December 7th.  This initiative seeks to unite the community in supporting local businesses while raising funds for the Squamish Community Foundation (SCF) Smart and Caring Community Fund.  The event will…

Our Commitment to the Sustainable Development Goals

The SCF, alongside many other Community Foundations across Canada, has committed to aligning our mission with the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs).

In many ways, the core of these 17 ambitious goals have been a part of the SCF’s work since the beginning. We recognize the importance of aligning with this global agenda, understanding how these goals apply within our community, and contributing to the achievement of the SDGs by 2030. The SDGs are integrated into our granting process as well as Vital Signs report.

For more information about the SDGs, visit the UN Website here.

Are you working on the SDGs and have an idea of how the Squamish Community Foundation can help?
